Transpersonal Art Therapy
Art In Wellness offers a non-diagnostic, conversational therapy service that that uses your art expressions to explore your transpersonal development of the self. Sessions are typically individual one-hour sessions. Mindfulness workshop for small groups can be a couple of hours in duration (negotiable). Contact me for enquiries and pricing.
After your initial consultation an individualised wellness plan is developed to help you uncover the personal tools needed for healing and wellness. Let's talk or make a booking.
Identity of Self – Cut Outs
Look deeply into the different parts of the self. Assign a colour and shape to you the child, parent, dancer, swimmer, uncle, aunt or any part of you with a sense of belonging that can be celebrated and be acknowledged. Each shape and colour tell a story from your Matisse inspired cut outs.
Drawing The Chatter – Oil Pastels
Exploring our mind filled chatter with this vibrant medium that can be used to express what is going on inside ourselves. When an expression is revealed, it can be explored further through inquiry and or poetry.
Cheeky underside
The true self is reaching out
Holding onto 'I'
Worry Stones – Acrylic Paint and Permanent Markers
Useful for relaxation or anxiety relief. Painting your own stones may help to focus on an idea, emotion or even calm the mental clutter. This activity is a practical way to channel the senses or mental energy to create a tangible, positive and creative outcome.
Dream Incubation Pot – Clay
We all have dreams, some are our subconscious nightly image filled dramas, and others are the wishes we dream for ourselves. Not all dreams need to be explored and probed immediately. They can be honoured and set aside safely or ritualistically to mature for future growth.
awake/asleep – Collage
Collage can be used as an excellent way to look at your state of mind as you go about life. Ask yourself…Are you awake or asleep? Are you numb or feeling vibrant with the world? Collages are a way to explore your state of mind, a personal intent, your hopes and dreams and offer an alternative way to express yourself more fully.
Scribble drawing – permanent markers
This kind of activity can be enjoyable for clients to build confidence, to look outside the box, explore levels of self-awareness, relaxation and so forth. Messy work can be complimented by exploring aspects of the work that feel good, that don't and why. The finished product can remain as is or be used in extension activities to make a fan, butterflies or even the wings of bird.
Dolls – creating, making, realising
Sometimes called Wishing Dolls, Spirit Dolls or Worry Dolls. The perfect homemade tool to put forward positive intensions. They can project love or demonstrate your inner care for others. They are little guardians to watch over you or loved ones, hold a wish or channel your dreams. Spirit Dolls can be made from anything, from nature, recyclable items from around the home or just purchase what is needed.
Insight – Imagery Cards
Sometimes called Divination Cards, a person can look into their golden light and shadow self. A person can gain resolve and inspiration from light filled images, however there may be times in our lives that we need to dig deep and draw on our shadow side to achieve goals or conquer challenges. This type of self-exploration activity is not limited to the use of prepared cards, anyone can seek out their own images and create personalised cards to reveal insights and personal power.
Healing Symbol – Painting
Inner resources or personal grit can be discovered in many ways. Here we see a symbol that came through during a meditation and drumming sequence. This symbol that can be called upon whenever needed. To expand on its symbolism the image is recreated and painted on the body to personalise and instil its qualities in the wearer.
Meditation Sample
......So we're going to begin. Sit or lay, whatever makes you comfortable. Now gently close your eyes. Pull all of your focus inward into the centre of your chest and breath. Just breathe into the present. Listen to whatever feelings or thoughts that are sitting with you. Allowing them......
Ready to start changing your life?
'I am my own muse. The subject I know best. The subject I want to know better.'- Frida Kahlo